Today Egg Price in Krishnanagar

Last 30 Day Report
Price Up / Down: - ₹0.8
Percentage: - 12.5%
Today Rate: ₹5.6
30 Days Ago Rate: ₹6.4
Today Egg Price on Market
NECC Egg Price: ₹5.6 ₹168
Whole Sale Rate: ₹5.6 ₹168
Retail Rate: ₹5.92 ₹177.6
Super Market Rate: ₹6.01 ₹180.3
Krishnanagar Egg Price Chart
Lowest and Highest Egg Price Chart
Egg Rate in Krishnanagar

What Is the Latest Egg rate In Krishnanagar?

Are you looking for the latest Information on Egg rates in Krishnanagar? You will get the all up-to-date Prices and related egg rate data on Krishnanagar, from this post.

Egg prices in Krishnanagar have become a major concern for every people, who are living in the city, also egg is popular in the city, among small fast food stall, and restaurant.

The Cost of egg price is changing every day according to the demand and supply, so With the cost of living rising, it is important to know what the latest egg rates are in Krishnanagar.

In this article, I have provided you with an overview of how much eggs are currently costing in Krishnanagar and what to look for when buying eggs so that you can get the best quality at an affordable price.

Let's read the blog post, to learn all the essential tips.

Latest Egg Price/Rate In Krishnanagar Today

Being aware of the fluctuating prices and availability of eggs is crucial to making an informed decision. On this platform, we are committed to providing the latest information on egg prices in India, also our data is frequently updated.

Here is a simple overview of today's egg Prices in Krishnanagar.

According to the latest data from the National Egg Coordination Committee (NECC), the current egg rates in Krishnanagar are ₹5.6 per piece and ₹560 per 100 pieces. 1 tray of eggs (30 pieces) costs ₹168 in Krishnanagar, while 1 peti of eggs (210 pieces) costs ₹1176. The NECC fixes these prices, but the rates may vary by area, egg market, retail shops, and supermarkets. Today, the wholesale rate of eggs in Krishnanagar is ₹5.6 per piece, the retail rate is ₹5.92 per piece, and the supermarket rate is ₹6.01 per piece.

Egg prices in Krishnanagar

Average price per egg: ₹5.6
Price per piece: ₹5.6
Price per tray (30 eggs): ₹168
Price for 100 pieces: ₹560
Price for Peti (210 eggs): ₹1176

If you want to be aware of the latest market trends to ensure accurate and reliable data related to the daily egg rate in Krishnanagar, you can visit our site frequently for getting the latest information.

1 Tray Of Eggs Price Today In Krishnanagar

Based on our latest information, the price of one tray of eggs (containing 30 eggs) in Krishnanagar is ₹168 at the average rate of ₹5.6 per egg.

Also, the important thing is you should Keep in mind that, the egg process is frequently changed based on various factors such as market demand, supply, market fluctuations, production, transportation, etc.

You can also check with local markets or online retailers for the latest egg prices in Krishnanagar. For getting frequently updated rates of eggs, you can simply visit our site, so you don't need to go anywhere for checking the price of eggs.

What is the price of 100 eggs in Krishnanagar today?

According to our latest data today A hundred eggs in Krishnanagar cost around ₹560, also in many cases, the price can depend on your location, the size of the egg, and the quality of the eggs.

The price of eggs varies in different parts of the city while they are cheaper in rural areas. Prices are also affected by the season, with higher prices in the summer months due to a lower supply.

Keeping track of the price of a hundred eggs in Krishnanagar is for anyone who wants to buy them at a reasonable price. Today's egg prices can provide an indication of how much one can expect to pay for the next purchase.

Egg wholesale price in Krishnanagar today

If you are in the egg business in Krishnanagar, knowing the wholesale price of eggs is crucial for managing your operations and staying competitive.

Today, according to the National Egg Coordination Committee (NECC), the wholesale price of eggs in Krishnanagar is PIECE ₹5.6 and TRAY ₹168.

Egg rate in Krishnanagar

These given prices may depend on the location and the number of eggs you purchased and also depend on the supplier.

So you need to, Stay up-to-date with the latest egg prices can help you make informed decisions and optimize your profits.

Last 30 Day Report In Krishnanagar

The prices of eggs fluctuate daily due to market conditions, inflation, and other factors. As of 30 days ago, the egg price in Krishnanagar was ₹6.4, which means the price has decreased by 12.5% in the last 30 days. During this period, the wholesale rate of eggs in Krishnanagar has decreased by ₹0.8 per piece.

Lowest & Highest Egg Rate Today In Krishnanagar

Egg prices in Krishnanagar fluctuate frequently, so if you are in the egg business it is important to be updated with the latest rates.

In the last 30 days, the lowest egg rate was ₹5.5 as on 7 January 2025, while the highest rate last month was on 26 December 2024 when egg rate was ₹6.7 per piece.

You have to know and Understand egg price trends over time, which can help when you make your purchasing decisions and is also useful for buying and selling eggs.


The egg prices in Krishnanagar fluctuate based on different types of factors such as supply, demand, transportation costs, production, and market competition, depending on supplier and government regulations.

By visiting our website or contacting local egg wholesalers or retailers, you can stay up-to-date on the latest egg rates in Krishnanagar.

Whether you are in the egg business or simply want to buy eggs at an affordable price, it is crucial to understand egg price trends over time.

Hope, this basic information about the egg rate in Krishnanagar can be useful, share your thoughts and doubts in the comment section.


Here I discuss some frequently asked questions related to egg rates in Krishnanagar, along with their answers in a single sentence, also you can read them:

The current egg rate in Krishnanagar, according to the National Egg Coordination Committee (NECC), is PIECE ₹5.6, TRAY ₹168.

According to the NECC egg rate, today rate of 1 tray of eggs in Krishnanagar is ₹168 per 30 pieces.

According to the NECC egg rate, today rate of 1 peti of eggs in Krishnanagar is ₹1176 per 210 pieces.

According to the NECC egg rate, today eggs rate in Krishnanagar is ₹560 per 100 pieces.

Egg rates in Krishnanagar can fluctuate frequently, sometimes even on a daily basis. So If you want to know the daily updates and latest pricing, bookmark this page and come again.

If you want to know, what factors can affect egg pricing and fluctuation in Krishnanagar, so mainly supply, demand, seasonal changes, transportation costs, and government regulations, are the major factors.

You can stay updated on the latest egg rates in Krishnanagar by checking the NECC website, also you can visit our site, also by contacting local egg wholesalers or retailers.